Teaching Associate Professor: Stories and Societies Residential Academic Program – Univeristy of Colorado Boulder
Absolutely everything has a history.
About Me
I am a historian, an instructor, a learner, a musician, a gardener, a cook, a voracious reader, and a technology nerd. At CU, I have the tremendous good fortune to hold the position of Teaching Associate Professor in the Stories and Societies Residential Academic Program (RAP) in Sewall Hall as well as to teach in the Department of History.
2021 Open Educator Award – The Student Government Association and University Libraries have joined together to identify and celebrate educators on the CU Boulder campus who demonstrate exemplary open educational practices.
ASSETT Innovation Incubator participant for the CAMPP (Collective for Multimodal Participatory Publishing) team.
A&S RAP Faculty Learning Community:Co-founder and co-facilitator from Fall 2017 to the present – transition to A&S FYAE Faculty Learning Community.
Reformation and Revolution: Course portfolio with Susan Guinn-Chipman for HIST 4212 – The Age of Religious Wars: Reformation Europe, 1500-1648 as part of the FTEP Making Teaching and Learning Visible community
Quality Teaching Initiative: Lead faculty for the A&S RAP QTI team working on policies and proceedures for evaluating quality teaching and the use of evaluations for reappointment, merit, and promotions.
20th Century World At War This primarily student created exhibit comes from students in my HIST 1012-170R Europe since 1600 course from Fall 2019. The work here serves as the seedbed for future development of a publishing project of CAMPP titled “Pursuing the Past.”
Fall 2021
HIST 1011-170R Greeks, Romans, Kings, and Crusaders: Europe to 1600
HIST 1061-170R Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome
HIST 4212-001 The Age of Religious Wars, Reformation Europe, 1500-1648
Spring 2022
HIST2110-170R Early Modern Societies
HIST 2220-170R History of War and Society: The Crusades and Medieval Warfare
SEWL2000-170R America, the Environment, and the Global Economy
You Can find me teaching in Stories and Societies RAP in Sewall Hall and around and about campus. Please send me an email if you would like to make an appointment. Currently, due to Covid-19, all appointments will be scheduled using Zoom. Contact me for more information.